Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Week 50: You Wouldn’t Believe It (52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks – 2023 Version)

The theme for Week 50 is "You Wouldn't Believe It." Sometimes in our family history journey, we discover things that surprise or amaze us, things that almost seem unreal. There are also times in our research that we're amazed at *how* we found something. Share a surprising tale this week. Click here to check out all the themes for 2023.

One revelation that truly astonished me was the discovery that my mother's third cousin was none other than Donna Reed, originally Donna Bell Mullenger. In 2013, the revelation came to light that my mother's biological father differed from the one she had grown up with. Her parents being wed in 1929, while my mother was born in 1927. This revelation led to confirming that her biological father wasn’t the man who raised her.

Initially convinced that I had thoroughly traced her father's ancestry, the realization that it was her adopted father's line dealt a surprising blow. Suddenly, an entire branch of my family tree remained unexplored. Through the use of DNA testing, I successfully identified her biological father and delved into researching that previously unknown side of the family.

Donna Reed marks the first "celebrity" figure within my family tree, making the discovery particularly thrilling. Sharing this remarkable news with my skeptical siblings became a joy, especially after substantiating the relationship with evidence.

The excitement is amplified during this time of the year, particularly when indulging in holiday classics like "It's a Wonderful Life." Watching reruns of the Donna Reed show takes on a humorous twist, knowing that she is a relative of mine. Despite years of genealogical research, seeing a distant relative come to life beyond mere photographs is truly exhilarating.

Have you experienced any "You Wouldn't Believe It" moments in your own genealogical journey? It's worth sharing these stories with family, even if they aren't deeply interested in genealogy; they might find the discoveries just as captivating.

Remember to have fun and Just Do Genealogy!

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