Sunday, March 31, 2024

April’s Theme and Week 14: Favorite Recipe (52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks)

The theme for Week 14 is "Favorite Recipe." Food has a way of bringing up memories, whether it's the cooking of a favorite recipe, meals shared with loved ones, or memories of kitchen mishaps! This week, explore a favorite recipe and the person or people who make that recipe special. Click here to see all the prompts for 2024. 

My dad’s only sister, my aunt Mary always seemed to be able to make a big meal out just leftovers she would find in her refrigerator. I was always amazed by that. At least once a month, my dad, along with my mom and my two sisters and I would go and visit his sister. She lived 40 miles from us. Especially, before one of my dad’s business trips. Sometimes, he would take us all out to eat. However, my aunt would always offer to make dinner for all of us. She would just start taking leftovers out of the refrigerator and before we knew it, she had made a big dinner for all of us. She even would make new dishes out of the leftovers. They were always tasty.

My mom taught me later that there are certain items you should always make sure you have on hand to make a meal for surprise guests. Usually, it would be a casserole dish, but to this day, I always have extra food in my house.  This really came in handy during the Covid-19 Pandemic when food was scarce.  Or when unexpected bad weather prevents you from doing shopping. I just have to make sure that I clean out my freezer and cupboards once a year or at least use up the older food first. 

I even freeze and can my home-grown vegetables. It’s comes in handy, because my husband seems to find bargain meats on sale, however, never thinks about what we will eat with them. As Winnie the Pooh would say, “Oh bother”. 

Remember to have fun and Just Do Genealogy!


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